

Ongoing efforts by law and enforcement authorities to monitor criminals and international drug trafficking network have led to the exposure of an international terror network operated by Hezbollah, the Lebanese terror organization, comprising criminals involved in the drug trade.
The use of criminals to promote terror is a new MO utilized by Hezbollah. 
Hezbollah relies on ideologically motivated Lebanese assets with foreign citizenship. According to the new MO, Hezbollah also recruits criminal assets, mainly drug dealers, whom it has found to be effective because of their infrastructure, skills, and capabilities.
The exposure of this new MO used by Hezbollah, allows law and enforcement authorities to trace potential Hezbollah assets who are now being monitored, and to focus on monitoring criminals from Shiite and/or Lebanese communities, as they may likely be a convenient target population for Hezbollah recruitment.
The monitoring of Hezbollah's new MO has resulted in widespread arrests that have been made by the federal police in Brazil, as reported in the Latin American media.
The federal police have sent Interpol the facial composite of the Hezbollah "boss" who tried to recruit Brazilians (and people of other nationalities) to perpetrate attacks and murders.
The facial composite and document about the "boss" were prepared by police experts, based on descriptions that came up in the questioning of the arrested suspects. They have also been relayed to the intelligence agencies in the U.S., Europe, Israel, and Asia.
Today, we are publishing the description of the “boss” and the facial composite sent to Interpol, in the interest of advancing the investigation.
The police are interested in identifying a Lebanese or Syrian man of about 50, a debonair type, who speaks Arabic, English, Spanish, some Portuguese, and possibly other languages too, and could fit the description.
According to sources who assisted in the investigation, given the individual's characteristics (age, Spanish speaker, knows some Portuguese), and the possibility that he lived in or visited Latin America, it is possible that he was somehow involved in the attacks in Argentina in the 1990s.
A million-dollar reward is guaranteed for identifying the person in the facial composite.
Please contact the STOP910 system using the Contact Us option on the website to relay information on the man in the facial composite.