The unit's modus operandi (MO)

  • Strict compartmentalization and secrecy.
  • Identification of targets in advance, and collection of operational intelligence for creating a target file to be used when the order is given, as opposed to an attack on a target of opportunity.
  • Recruitment, training and worldwide deployment of terrorist cells and facilitators to be activated when the order is given.
  • Long and selective spotting process.
  • The facilitators are spotted among the following spotting pools:
    • Relatives of members of the organization.
    • Former members of the organization.
    • Candidates amongst intelligence contacts and charity associations.
  • The majority of the facilitators are Shiite, not necessarily Lebanese, for the most part with no criminal records, and preferably bearers of a foreign identity allowing them to be well assimilated in the local society, so as not to arouse any suspicions.
  • The ESO facilitators carry out various assignments – including collecting operational intelligence and preparing contingency plans to be used when the order is given; procuring foreign identity and travel documents; renting safe houses; providing supplies.
  • The facilitators are likely to remain dormant for long periods of time, and take on assignments on an ad-hoc basis.
  • Iranian assistance – The ESO seeks the assistance of the Qods Force to complete certain assignments and to promote wide-ranging cooperation – transfer of means, including weapons, training, spotting, procuring identity documents, intelligence cooperation.
  • Deep cover – Use of operatives with foreign identities – use of operatives who have authentic citizenship, or the use of a cover company, and/or activity in association with a commercial entity as an unwitting party or as a willing accomplice.
  • Choice of the area of activity – Accessibility of the area, availability of infrastructures which allow for almost immediate action, the belief that low profile activity will not be exposed and will therefore not harm the image of Hezbollah; and the belief that if the identity of those responsible for the activity was nevertheless to be exposed, the repercussions would only be minor due to the sympathy of the locals for the cause.