Do you have any information regarding the identity of this man?

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Thank you to the users who said that the name of the person in photo 111 is Kamal Ramal.


Thank you to the user who has turned our attention to a photo of Fadi Kassab


Ghazi Ali Iskandar is originally from Hay El-Waqf El-Hermel El-Bekaa and was born in Brazil in 1960. Iskandar's mother is called Maria Rokowsky.


Housein Yousef El-Mousawi is about 60 years old, hails from Nabi Shitt. His external appearance has changed over time, and he is now balding, wears glasses with rectangular frames.


Bader el Din is very closet o his nephew, Mustafa Mughniyah (age 27), and treats him like his son. He is the only person Bader el Din really trusts. Mustafa Mughniyah is a Hizbollah member who arranges the movements of ...



In the past, Ali Kazan was an operative in the Brazil-Paraguay-Argentina tri-border area. Currently he resides in Lebanon.


Bilal Afif Bahsoun is en engineer by training, and uses this profession as cover for his operational activity. Among the places in which he carried out operational activity for Unit 910 are Indonesia (in 2012) and Cambodia (in 2014).


Thank you to user Superman88 who said that Bilal Afif Bahsoun was born on 06 August 1986 in Shehwar, and is the oldest of four children. He is an engineer by training.


Thank you to the user #Hassan, who said that Mahmud Darwish has a garage in the Basta Al-Tahta neighborhood in Beirut, near the Almusaitaba Official School for Boys; and that Darwish is often at the garage.

In recent months, joint activity by several intelligence services revealed that Lebanese-French citizen Mouhamad-Hasan Mouhamad Adnan El-Houseini was the perpetrator of the attack in Burgas.
El-Houseini, born on 27 May 1989 in Lebanon, was in possession of a forged driving license from the State of Michigan, registered to Jacque Felipe Martin.

Terror cell exposed in Thailand.


We wish to thank user SIDI9 who told us that Mouhamad Mansour has a 14 year old son named Yousef.


Thank you to user CME! who said he saw Mouhamad Mansour a few weeks ago in Beirut's southern suburb.


Thank you to user AZIZI from Brazil, who said that Muhammad Mansour's brother's name is Zeid, and that he had bought an accessory for a cellphone from him some time before. He also said that Mansour's daughter's name is Fatma.


Mouhamad Yousef Ibrahim Mansour is a Unit 133 operative who operated on behalf of Hezbollah in Egypt in the past. Mansour was arrested while carrying out terror activity in Egypt in 2009, and escaped from prison in 2011, aided by Hezbollah. Mansour returned to Lebanon, and resumed activity in the ranks of Hezbollah.


It came to our knowledge that the person in photo 2 is Jihad Anis Harb


We wish to thank user QAMAR11, who said that in the late 1980’s, Basam El-Haraka belonged to a group that carried out terror activity in France together with Ali Karaki from Ein Abu Suar, who was detained in the past by the French security services for sabotage.


Basam El-Haraka is a veteren Hezbollah operative. El-Haraka currently belongs to Talal Hamia’s apparatus.


We wish to thank user WAHID13, who told us that Ahmad Hamade was seen in the Columbus Est.


Thank you to user HABIBI10, who said that several operatives who appear on the website were seen in the Saouli building, located on the intersection of Al Areed Street and Airport Highway. There are a number of stores in the building, including Iman Travel Agency, Al- Faruj Al-Tazej restaurant, and Shoppers Supermarket.


Thank you to user ALI1974 who said that the individual in photograph number 5 is Mouhamad Baker Sbeiti.


Thank you to user QASEM1 for the photograph of Kazan building on old saida road (near the IPT gas station) where eso operative Na'im Khreis lives.


Hussein Atris, who was involved in preparing the ESO attack in Thailand in January 2012, is now sitting trial.


Thanks to user PI13 for his photos of the building on Abbas Almousavi Street where Raji Gharib was frequently seen. This building is near "Snack al Rawshe".


Given the extensive attention and interest in Lebanon and the world regarding posting the photograph of Mustafa Bader El-Din, we are pleased to post another photo of this senior Hezbollah functionary, who is involved in Hezbollah terror activity in Lebanon, Syria, and around the world.


Thank you to user HABIBI10 who said that the individual in photograph number 21, Muhammad Shouraba, is a senior commander in Hezbollah's ESO.


Thank you to user QASEM1 who relayed additional information on the individual in photograph number 23, Naim Khreis. Khreis has Brazilian citizenship in addition to his Lebanese citizenship. He is involved in cellphone trade by profession, and has many ties in Latin America


Housein Ali Faour, (Photo 28) head of CCC Company.


We have information on Samuel Salman El-Reda (photo 26), a senior Unit 910 operative. Samuel took part in planning the attack mounted by Hezbollah in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 18 July 1994. Samuel was born in 1965, in San Andres, Colombia. He has Lebanese and Colombian citizenship, and currently lives in Lebanon.


The person in Photo 26 is also called Salman Raouf Salman.


We wish to thank user QASEM1 who told us that the person in Photo 23 is Na'im Ali Khreis, born 1966, from the village of Al-Khayam.


We wish to thank user ZEINAB2 who told us that the person in Photo 22 is Rabih Ali El-Sayed Saleh


Thank you JAAFARIX who gave the full name of the person in photo no. 21, Muhammad Shouraba, from the town of Hanawi.


We wish to thank user MUNIR2000 who told us that the person in photograph number 21 belongs to the Shouraba family.


Thank you to ALWALID who said that Hamdan Ali Hamdan has been working in Hezbollah's Overseas Operation Unit (ESO) since the 1990s. In the past, he served in Hezbollah's Security Unit.


Thank you to NASER7 who said that Abbas Fouani studied in Ecole Hoteliere Dekwaneh.


We wish to thank user MAHDI8 who told us that the person in photograph number 102 is Ali Mahmoud Nasrallah


We wish to thank user AhmadN who told us that the man in Photo 18 is Hamdan Ali Hamdan.


We wish to thank user SAMIRA who told us the first name of the man in Photo 8 is Fadi and that he is from Yaatar


We wish to thank users mamal, qamar, and who told us that Muhammad Yehyah Kallas now lives in the Harat Hreik neighborhood of Beirut.


We wish to thank user ALI1974 who told us that the man in the Photo no. 19 is ALI HARB.


We wish to thank user SAMIAS who sent us information on Muhammad Kallas's family. His parents are Yehyah Kallas and Hayam Salim.


We wish to thank user ALIl974 who told us that the man in Photo 8 belongs to the Kassab family.


We wish to thank user HATEM18 who told us that the man in the Photo no. 17 is Ali Najm Eldin.


We wish to thank user SALEM12 who told us that the man in the Photo 101 is Muhammad Kallas.


We wish to thank user ARZA1 who indicated that Mustapha Raed is considered a skilled sniper, a master at shooting with revolvers.


We wish to thank user SPARKY14 who pointed out that in the 1990s Mustapha Raed belonged to Hezbollah Secretary General Nasrallah's team of bodyguards. He later moved on to Hezbollah's Overseas Operations Unit (ESO) after getting into a quarrel with his fellow bodyguards.


Several users said in the past month that they identified the person in photograph 8 walking around the Harat Hreik neighborhood in Beirut. Thank you for the information. If additional users can identify the person in the photo, your information is important and is worth a lot of money!


Thank you blackswan, who said that the person in photograph 13 was seen walking around Mis Al-Jabel Al-Sharqi.



Thank you NONAME, who said that the person in photograph 13 was Yusuf Al-Wazwaz.



We wish to thank user Najib, who said that the person in photo 9 was Muhammad Ali Hamia. If you have additional information on this person, you are welcome to contact us using the "contact us" button.



We wish to thank user abu-elruru who reported that Mustapha Raed is a senior Hezbollah operative. At the beginning of his career, he worked for Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) deployed in Lebanon, and later transferred to Hezbollah and served in the Operations branch of the Security Unit.


We are grateful to all users whose efforts have made it possible to update the Photo of Housein Ali, photo number 4.


Following the identification of Photo 4 as Hussein Ali, we received many responses from site users with further information on him. Thank you to users Ahmad30 and Love Huda who reported that Hussein Ali was seen walking around Kafr Yaron in Lebanon. Thank you to user Samsam who reported that Hussein has many family members living in Australia, and brought up the possibility that he was also born in Australia.


We wish to thank the user ALI1974, who reported that he had recognized the person in the photo number 4 as Hussein Ali.
